Hip Openers, Twists and Forward bends in Purna Yoga™, Aadil Palkhivala

Sunday, 3/3  8:30-11:30am

(Available with Full Festival Pass only until 2/15/13.)

Mobilizing and strengthening the hips is critical for a stable pelvis and emotional equanimity.  Opening the hips enhances the sitting position, which in turn helps with the stability of the foundation for twists.  Twists release the spine, thereby freeing it for forward bends.  Aadil will teach his famous six-step hip-opening series leading to seated twists to bring the vital force from the pelvis up towards the heart, and end in forward bends to soothe the nerves and calm the intellect.  Mostly asana and some lecture.  At least six months of alignment based practice.  Please bring one mat, one block, one strap, and two blankets.

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Posted in Aadil, Festival Workshop, Sunday Main Track Workshop

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