Instructor -
Day & Time - Friday at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Star Wydler
Please join us for the Opening Ceremony of the 5th Annual Cannon Beach Yoga Festival. It is open to the public, so bring your companions. And join us!
We have a fun interactive event planned. The ceremony will begin at 7pm with Kristen Rubis playing her crystal bowls to set the tone and gather the energy. Christen Allsop, Festival Director, will welcome you and introduce Star Wylder who will invoke the Opening Blessing to set the intention for the weekend and to light the St. Brigid’s Sacred Flame Candle that will burn throughout the weekend. Then we will move to the beat of the Tsunami Drummers. And wrap it all up in the waves of silence to take with us into this transformative weekend.
You will be able to check in for the festival or register, following the Ceremony. And Seeing Greens Juice Bar will offer fresh juice and samples of the Ayurvedic Lunch that will be served on Saturday and Sunday. If you have a Full Festival Pass, you will be able to use your Juice Pass ($5 value) for a free juice.
Registration is open at the Yoga Lounge on Friday from 8am-4pm; and Saturday & Sunday from 6am-7pm. The Yoga Lounge is at Cannon Beach Yoga Arts, 251 N. Hemlock, in Downtown Cannon Beach.
Star Weitman, a Master Certified Coach, is woman with many credentials and interests, but the defining characteristics to her varied talents are Facilitation, Intuition, and Transformation. Whether as a general contractor and owner of a successful business building bridges in Oregon, mediating conversations between state agencies and emerging small businesses, acting as an Environmental Steward, or creating sacred rituals for individuals, Star serves as a catalyst. In her effort to support and assist individuals on their personal journeys, Star brings her passion, integrity, and a diverse knowledge of Gemstone Energy Medicine.
Cannon Beach Chamber Hall